Dedicated to Exposing the Totalitarian, anti-Democratic, un-American nature of Fundamentalism

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

"And if you say something crazy and superstitious, I won't hesistate to point it out." - Bible Fiction Blog

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gay Adoption Bigots versus Science

The recent push by several states to ban adoptions by gay couples has nothing to do with children's health and everything to do with religious superstition and intolerance.

Opponents claim the ideal environment for a child includes a mother and a father. Which might be both true and completely irrelevant. Millions of children are successfully raised in America by single parents. Ideal homes, schools, communities and governments are exceedingly rare. And no credible nor substantial evidence exists that single parents have any better or worse track record than same-sex couples when it comes to raising children.

So those who oppose same-sex adoptions can't credibly claim that they fear for the happiness of children, otherwise they would be just as passionately opposed to single-parent families.

Their opposition is really against homosexuality itself. They are terrified that children of same-sex couples might grow up to be tolerant of gays, or worse, gay themselves. The fact that few gay adoption opponents will actually acknowledge this truth indicates they are actively trying to hide their bigotry and intolerance for fear of seeming ugly and hurting their cause.

Their fears are justified. Homophobia is an ugly form of bigotry, and virtually every credible scientific study suggests that at least a large percentage of gays are born that way. In other words, if there is an active Creator of the Universe, it seems to have made some people gay.

But crazy fundamentalists, who believe in the lunacy of sacred texts, don't want to accept the findings of science because those findings might shatter their fragile, warped view of things. Fanatics would rather be intolerant bigots. What a shame that their notion of divinity is so small and brittle, rather than expansive, inclusive, accepting and tolerant.


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