Dedicated to Exposing the Totalitarian, anti-Democratic, un-American nature of Fundamentalism

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

"And if you say something crazy and superstitious, I won't hesistate to point it out." - Bible Fiction Blog

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

How Stupid Are They?

American Mullah Pat Robertson went to Israel this week to warn of the coming Apocalypse. What does anyone expect from a radical Fundamentalist?

Of course, crazy religious zealots have been warning that the End Times are imminent for centuries, playing on the fears and anxieties of ordinary people.

But because so many things are wrong with the world today (War in the Middle East, Heat Waves, Melting Ice Caps, Killer Hurricanes and Tsunamis), many religious leaders hope the fantasy of the Second Coming is taking place, if only to vindicate their superstitions and egos.

So just for the record, I'll wager $10,000 with anyone that, ten years from today, August 1, 2016, the world will still be here, no Apocalypse will have occurred, no winged lions will have gone flying across the sky, no fiery dragon will be thrown into any pit of fire.

Indeed, many of the catastrophes we suffer between now and then will be man-made, and our children and neighbors will carry on, hopefully wiser.

If you're dumb enough to believe in fables, fairy tales and infallible books, you might just be dumb enough to take my bet.